Inside the heart of every democrat beats a totalitarian pulse

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Please share widely. Updated 12/09/2023. For those that read my essays they tend to be long and contain what I think to be the best videos and sources. It would take many hours just to watch the videos in a single essay. The focus of this essay is three-fold: the Global rejection of Mass Immigration, the rejection of the lying globalist corporate media and an end to the censorship of Anti-Globalist internet journalism. After nearly 15 years of Mass Immigration both the people and governments, throughout the planet, are rejecting the globalist UN's policies of Open Borders along with their broader globalist agenda of forced vaccination and digital currency. Like the French Revolution the people put up with being disenfranchised for years. Then in a span of months they united and rose up against their elites. I think that is what we are seeing happening now on a global scale. It is my hope that the people of planet Earth unite behind the "Put People First" (PPF) Agenda in order to stop the Globalist Agenda once and for all. It is time.

If nothing else read the section where Van Jones labels Vivek Ramaswamy as a Nazi for bringing up the Great Replacement theory (Mass Immigration of largely Fundamentalist Muslims), which of course is exactly what is happening in both the US and EU. Also worth a watch, video with Biden saying (2015) white people becoming an absolute minority in America is "a good thing" and that a continuously Open Border is a “good thing.”

To Biden and all Globalist Leaders: Go F**k yourselves

The globalist use of censorship, hate speech accusations and immigration must stop now


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